Talk Secrets

How to find an awe-inspiring message that the world NEEDS to hear 
(where your audience hangs on your every word; your ideal clients become raving fans and you catapult to the go-to expert of your industry!) 

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Talk Secrets

How to find an awe-inspiring message that the world NEEDS to hear 
(where your audience hangs on your every word; your ideal clients become raving fans and you catapult to the go-to expert of your industry!) 

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(Yes, there will be a replay available)

The reality is

If you don’t have a clear and unique signature message
you can’t become known for it, full stop!

The good news is that there is a proven framework to help you uncover your signature message so that you can feel out-of-this-world confidence when you stand on stage to share your Signature Talk. 


I’m sharing the little-known Signature Talk secret that will forever change how you stand out and build your reputation, by tapping into what makes you truly unique. 

So, What are the secrets to...


Hi, If we haven't met before,

I'm Casey

I’m a speaking coach and Signature Talk specialist for visionary, brave-thinking women who want to be seen as the go-to expert of their industry through showcasing their uniqueness in a thought-provoking message delivered from the stage.

I help these purpose-driven businesswomen to deliver an unforgettable signature talk so that they can stand out as impactful, visionary leaders of their industry, have their ideal clients become their raving fans, and gain a wider reach with their message… all without feeling like a fraud.

Over the past 15 years, I have delivered more than 300 presentations to over 25,000 people, and with a master’s degree in Coaching Psychology, and a stint at one of New York’s top acting schools, I know what it takes to craft and a deliver a captivating presentation, to have stage presence, tell a compelling story and bring psychological truthfulness on stage.

My mission is to create a movement of women who are changing the status quo of thought leadership, by empowering them with the tools to share their ideas and stories as undeniable experts in their field.

On a personal note, I have two energetic but adorable toddlers that keep me busy and constantly remind me how important it is to share our voice (even if sometimes their voices can be a bit too loud. I live with my husband and our two toddlers in a beautiful beach suburb on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia.

Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to finally nail an awe-inspiring message for your SIGNATURE TALK

Talk Secrets

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