And Be Recognised as a Go-To Expert in your Field with an Unforgettable Signature Talk ...


I'm Ready!

Inspire Your Audience

Increase Your Authority

Embody Your Expertise

How would it feel to know you had a well crafted Signature Talk that allowed you to be seen as the go-to expert in your field?

No more questioning which idea to go with, no more second guessing your expertise, no more feeling like your story isn’t interesting enough and…importantly… no more missed opportunities!

Crafting an unforgettable Signature Talk will allow you to finally say 'Yes' to those speaking opportunities and get on the stages that you dream to be on, without the worry of 'what will I say?'. 

You can take your well-crafted Signature Talk and easily turn it into workshops or masterclasses. Stand out as the expert in your field by running your own events.

Increase your authority by appearing on podcasts and virtual summits. Sharing your key message and signature story is the first step to becoming a recognised expert. 

Client Experience

Talk About Inspiration Overload!

As someone with an extremely multifaceted business, the concept of a signature talk felt impossible to me - I have so many layers and fields to my work! But with Casey's help, I was able to find common through lines and undercurrents to my deepest missions, and come up with not just one possible talk, but several!

My Proven Signature Talk System will help you write a highly captivating talk

(without questioning your expertise or second guessing yourself)

Signature Talk Programs

The Signature Talk Kickstarter

Get ready to kickstart your way to your very own Signature Talk. This course will show you where to start and what to include so that you can develop a 'Mic Drop' Signature Talk 

Your Unforgettable Signature Talk

This powerful experience is for Female Entrepreneurs who want to create an unforgettable signature talk that helps them build their online authority and have it nailed in 8 weeks

Your Impact Accelerator

This empowering accountability experience is for Female Entrepreneurs who want to enhance their impact by seeking out speaking opportunities and getting on stage

Find Your Awe-Inspiring Message


The reality is if you don't have a clear and unique signature message, you can't become known for it

A Signature Talk is built upon a thought-provoking and captivating message that allows your audience to see your expertise. To become a recognised expert, you have to showcase a clear signature message, that stands out. 

Uncover a Story that Sparks


Your story will connect with those that need your message most!

Although you may feel that your story isn't interesting, it is the key to connecting with your audience and drawing them closer to you. Finding a story that your audience can see themselves in, is the first step towards a drool-worthy talk. 

Craft Content that Captivates


If you don't present yourself as an expert, your audience won't see you as one.

The most important element to becoming a sought-after speaker is stepping into your place as an expert. No more shying away from the spotlight or needing another qualification. You need to showcase the transformation that you help your clients achieve by developing your own expert framework as the basis of your talk. 

It will be worth it!

It might feel like you don't have enough credibility to speak on stage, or that your ideas just won't cut it with other speakers - this is a completely normal fear of high achieving women. 

However, when you put the time in to craft a Signature Talk, and get expert feedback and guidance, those fears begin to disappear.

Before you know it, you will be standing on stage and absolutely owning your expertise.

Enjoying the spotlight, revelling in the standing ovations, and delivering those mic-drop moments with ease. 

And after all the years you have waited (and I know you have)... 

It will all be worth it!


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How to Structure a Sold-Out Signature Talk 

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